becoming a mom for the first time, I had know idea how much stuff was really
about to take over my life. Forget the actual newborn baby, it was all that
baby stuff that completely changed our home (and years later, it's the toddler
stuff). But no matter who you talk to, you're likely to get different advice
and ultimately, every baby is different on what they actually need, so it's a
crapshoot really.
there have been a few things that have been known to pop up on a list of
"do not really need" here and there that I, personally, have been
glad to have. Here are 4 things you might consider if you're about to
become a new mom (or with another on the way):
1. Books. Ok,
everyone knows you need baby books, and books for every age after that, but
honestly, there is no amount too many to own. Studies show how
great it is to read to your kids, even when they are a baby (heck, start now
while they are in utero!) to help develop language, plus it's a great bonding
experience and form of entertainment that gets you away from electronics.
advice is own many, because if you're reading a lot, and you should be (like
every night before bed!), you will get so sick of every book that you own. So,
what we do is swap stacks of books out - out of sight, out of their minds - so
they are forced to select new books from their book shelves and we (the
parents) aren't going crazy!
2. Quality
skincare products for your baby. We think about quality face,
hair and body products for ourselves, so why shouldn't this be the same for our
babies? I find that it's better to stay on top of their sensitive skin
before the problems happen, instead of trying to heal them afterwards.
Most babies will suffer from dry skin, rashes and/or cradle cap at some point -
and it will still likely happen regardless of a strong care regimen. But I
think you can bounce back or not let it get as bad if you are ahead of the
gone through a lot of different products in the last few years of being a mom
to my two littles. I've used drug store, to eco-friendly, to dermatologist or
pediatrician recommended, and so on. And there is a lot of great stuff out
there at all price points. I'm currently using and loving Mustela,
which produces products in collaborations with healthcare professionals.
Committed to safety first and foremost, all products are hypoallergenic and do
not contain parabens,
phenoxyethanol, phtalates or alcohol.
And if you're interested, Mustela is giving away a bundle of products (over a $100 value) to two winners daily now through Mother's Day! You can enter daily on their Facebook page, here!
And if you're interested, Mustela is giving away a bundle of products (over a $100 value) to two winners daily now through Mother's Day! You can enter daily on their Facebook page, here!
3. Baby
carriers of all kinds. There are different reasons and times
that you need all the sorts of different wraps and carriers offered. Both of my
children never wanted to be put down in their few few months, and actually I
think that's pretty normal for a lot of babies.
my first babe, I did not master the soft wrap and found myself bound to my
couch, not daring to move after Liam fell asleep as I didn't want to wake
him. I was too stressed out and overwhelmed with becoming a new mother,
that one look at that wrap in a pile of cloth on the floor sent me into a
panic. When I was pregnant with baby #2, I practiced the wrap before she
arrived. I carried Nora in that thing for 4 to 5 months straight.
She would sleep right on me and I was free to move about!
additionally, you need more sturdy carriers for longer outdoor walks, or for
your husband to use! We also have the Baby Bjorn carrier
that my husband used for both our kiddos.
4. Silly
items for the nursery. Ok, so I'm including a few things for
this one. And you probably don't REALLY need these, but I love having them for
our nursery.
- - Wipe Warmer: seriously. It sounds ridiculous, and when my mom and sister went out to get one in the first week home with my first little guy, I even laughed. So unnecessary, I thought. But with both my kids born in the winter, and neither one loving the ol' diaper change - this is one little thing that really has helped. Fast forward 3.5 years and we're still using it.
- - Diaper Pail: honestly, I would be making trips out to the garage to dump the stinky things all day long without it, or our whole house would smell. They aren't the cutest addition to your nursery, but I have a little DIY project to help with that here.
- - A fan and/or space heater: not only do these aid in the comfort of the room's temperature without having to change the whole house, they add white noise! Both of these things help our kids sleep - and when they sleep, mama sleeps.
love to know what things you've LOVED having, even though you maybe didn't
totally need it or other people said you would need! Share in the
comments below!