{Denim shirt - Target (similar); Denim skirt - Old Navy (similar or this one); Mint belt - Target (similar); Oxfords - Nine West; Bracelet - H&M (similar); Watch - MK; Rings - gift (VonEshna)}
I can't hear myself think in the best way possible right now. My little guy has found his voice, his loud shrieks and screams of delight fill our house. I love it. Some days I just think he's going to bust out a full sentence, I swear he is trying so hard to tell us something VERY important. It's pretty amazing watching he develop, grow and change every day, and pretty sad how fast it's all going.
See more Chambray and Denim love at this week's Friday Fancies.
Happy Friday to you all! I hope you have great weekends planned.
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