To accept this award, I must answer many questions...
1. Where is your cell phone:
In my purse or in my hand/up to my ear/under my fingers
2. Your hair:
Kathy and I must have similar hair, as I am copying pretty much her answer! A mix of curly and wavy. Not curly enough for ringlets all over my head and not wavy
enough to look good that way either. I usually shower at night, sleep on it wet so its dry in the morning and then I fix the curls/waves with a curling iron. Or I blowdry straight.
3. Your mother:
One of my best friends. We have a lot in common, see each other often, talk on the phone, go to movies, etc. I turn to her for emotional support and life advice.
4. Your father:
Another best friend! He is funny. We also have a lot in common - I think I'm a good mix of my parents. I constantly turn to him for house, financial, car, work, etc advice!
5. Your favorite food:
Chocolate, Ice Cream, Cheese, Hummus, Wine - oops, this is favorite foods...
6. Your dream from last night:
If I remember a dream (about once or twice a week), its super weird or awful. Last night I didn't' dream - did a lot of tossing and turning and "shhhhhhhh-ing" the dog who was chomping his lips! His chomping is a new things and it's driving me nuts, waking me up, keeping me up.... gonna have to move his bed to the other side of the room!
7. Your favorite drink:
Oh, here is the correct questions for my answer: WINE! And Boulevard Beer. And recently, Sierra Mist Free Cranberry
8. Your dream/goal:
My dreams/goals...To got back to Europe, specifically Italy and Greece next; Have Children and raise them to be amazing people and give them a childhood like I had; Be successful in my job - which I love, Continue to blog and enjoy it while gaining more readers; Decorate my entire house!
9. What room are you in:
The living room
9. What are your hobbies:
Shopping, arts and crafts, working out, home decorating, happy hours with friends, movies with hubs and trying new things!
10. What is your fear:
Like SeaShell, spiders - all kinds, little, big, hairy, skinny - I hate them!
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years:
In my new home, but put-together, decorated and homey
12. Where were you last night:
Watching Modern Family with hubs, working and more unpacking/cleaning/organizing the home
13. Something you are not:
14. Muffins:
No need
15. Wish list items:
Grey Sectional Couch, Dining Room table, Paint on the walls, J.Crew everything, Christian Louboutins, stock in Philosophy - Grace, a puppy...a little sister for Lip-chomping Chuckie
16. Where did you grow up:
17. Last thing you did:
Unpacked a box (boring), before that I ate a cheese stick (boring again)
18. What are you wearing:
My Target Goods I recently got - slipper Moccasins and Sherpa hoodie
20. Your pets:
Chuckie-Bear, a mutt - 1/4 lab, 1/4 terrier, 1/2 unknown (his mom ran away and came back knocked-up, oops.
21. Your friends:
Wonderful. I agree with Kathy, I'm all about quality over quantity. I'm lucky to have some very amazing friends who are just like sisters to me and fun and good co-worker friends and lovely girlfriends who are not just great friends, but fun!
22. Your life:
23. Your mood:
24. Missing someone:
Yes...my sister and best friends that live all over, but here
25. Vehicle:
Toyota Corrolla
26. Something you’re not wearing:
My wedding rings
27. Your favorite store:
J.Crew, Anthropologie, Sephora, Marshalls/TJ Maxx/HomeGoods, The Internet
28. Your favorite color:
Green and blue, but I just love color, so really anything! and it's constantly changing...
29. When’s the last time you laughed:
Everyday - today at work. Really really laughed yesterday with my co-worker when trying to do the video how-to for the Scarf post!
30. When’s the last time you cried:
When I was laughing so hard yesterday
31. Your best friend:
Hubs, my family, Breezy, Abs, Katie, Shannon, and all my other girlfriends!
32. One place you go over and over:
Lately, Denver. Chicago a lot to see Sister. I wish I could say Europe!
33. One person who emails me regularly:
34. Favorite place to eat:
Home mostly, but Brio, Cactus Grill, La Bodega for a dinner out. In the summer, anywhere outside!
So now it's time to nominate 6 other bloggers:
Lavender & Lilies
Feasting On Life (maybe this is a push to get back to blogging...missing it)
In Honor of Design
Daily Lily
Blue Hydrangea
From the Right Bank to the Left Coast
Thanks Again, Kathy!