Chasing Davies: Dress for Less - Coats and Jackets

October 16, 2009

Dress for Less - Coats and Jackets

Tis' the season for jackets and coats...a little early if you ask me! But nonetheless, the winter weather has reared it's ugly head.

Have you found a new coat for this season? Or sticking with one from pasts season? I've not yet decided if I'll get a new one or not. I've got my ultra warm North Face coats for the extreme temps or all day tailgating experiences outdoors. I've also got a yellow peacoat, fuchsia long coat, pleather jacket, green toggle coat and many more... Well, if you are in the mood for a new coat, check out these trendy ones and learn how to get the look for less!!

Yellow Coat:

Yellow coatsKeep the sunshine alive all winter long with these bright yellow coats.
Price points: $760, $248, $108, or $70!

Ruffle Jacket:Ruffle coats and jacketsRuffles-a-plenty this season, and jackets are not lacking this trend. Want one your self? You could spend $525 or you could spend $190. OR you could pay $86.

Plaid Coats:

Plaid coats and jackets
Mad for plaid? Spend $750 , $200 or $80!

Military Jackets:

Military coats and jacektsAll buttoned up and formal with these classic coats. Which one would you spend your money on? $997.50 (that is 50% off this high dollar coat), $192 or $70?