Chasing Davies: Mad Men Premiere Thoughts?

August 16, 2009

Mad Men Premiere Thoughts?

Well - the day came. The Season 3 of Mad Men started this evening with a _____ (fill in the blank).

I haven't decided quite how I feel about tonight's episode. I definately wasn't wooed or in love, but there was also a lot of hype to live up too. I think it set the season up for great the jury is still out with me. What did you think?

So now as we wait for next week's episode...

What Mad Men are you?I got Salvatore... haha!
Well, I do have some Italian in me...and fashion sense (I think)...
Who did you get?

I've definitely been wondering what is in an Old Fashion drink is (Don Draper's signature drink request) I don't have too. Find out how to make Mad Men's popular drinks. I'm interested to try the Old Fashion, thought it looks like a bit of work...

Anyways...interested in other watcher's thoughts on tonight's show...