Good morning friends. A couple weekends ago I had dinner at my grandparents. One of our side dishes was Cucumber Salad. It was sooo good and I've been making it since. Before you stop reading...wait. I know it might sound boring or gross, but it's not. I don't even like cucumbers, and I like it. It's a light and healthy side dish/snack!!
First, what you'll need:

This makes about 4 servings (side dish sizes):
1 big cucumber
1/3-1/2 an onion (depending on how much you like onion)
1/2 cup of Light Sour Cream
Salt and Pepper
Slice the cucumber thinly and in halves. Chop onion and mix with cucumbers in a bowl. Mix the sour cream with the cucumber and onion, then add salt and pepper to taste.

I have been eating this as a snack a lot lately. It's so simple to make and not much to it.
It's good! Try it! :)