December 8, 2016

Gift Ideas for the Whole Family!

Gift ideas for the whole family


Sometimes it's easier to get a gift for a whole family/group of people vs. indavidually. Something that will actually serve multiple people allows you to spend a bit more on an item, too, which maybe gets that family something they've been really wanting!  But it's also a great way to get creative, personal or sentimental.  Here are a few of my favorite gift ideas for the whole family:

1. Obsessed with these sweet old school letter board sets that come in lots of sizes/colors. Change out the messages in your home, make dinner menus, or let your kids just play - love this gift for the whole home!

2.  A game you can all enjoy! Ridley's Game Room: Sing It Back (also have other games) comes with 140 cards with directions that each person takes turn following. Such a fun way to get kids feeling confident from an early age - and have fun. :)

3. Back to the Roots has several different ways to get your kids learning and having fun with their food in a parent-approved way!  They have ready to grow and farmer sets that would be a great gift for the whole family!

4. The Amazon Echo Dot is cost-efficient and so easy to use. We've loved asking Alexia about the next day's weather, or to easily play us our favorite songs. The kids are learning to talk (poliently) to her as well - practicing enunciating their words better so she can understand them. ;) I feel like the Echo is like a life assistent - so many things you can do!

5. Art is always welcome in my home - and whether it's with a personal photo or of colors you think the recipient might enjoy/go with their home, it's sure to be a special and unique gift for everyone to enjoy in the home!

6. I always love finding unique ways to use my beloved photos, and my kids love seeing their faces out in frames... so doing a puzzle together as a family to form a photo of them would be magical. :)

7. Save time cleaning - a gift that everyone can reep the benefits of, plus guys and kids will think this iRobot Roomba Vacuum Cleaner is the coolest thing!

8. Come winter, we're all cuddles over here - ready to cozy up under blankets to stay warm (maybe with a movie and popcorn!).  I love having lots of blankets around, and especially when they look so good - like art! Happy Habitat makes the most beautiful ones.

Another great gift idea, get subscriptions/family passes to local zoos, museums, etc.  The gift of an experience is so beneficial for creating family bonding time and lasting memories. We have a Sea Life in Kansas City that I especially love to visit in the colder months (something fun to do inside!), but also they have great specials like KIDS GO FREE happening right now! Use code 1410 at check out to get 1 free kid entry per 1 adult ticket purchase!  Something fun to do NOW through Jan. 31st, 2017.*

*This offer is for the Kansas City Sea Life only, and cannot be applied to LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Kansas City. If you could please include this information on your post for your readers, we would greatly appreciate it! 

What are some of your favoite gifts to give a family??

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