November 21, 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday, Nora!


Today is Nora's 3rd birthday! It's really hard to believe how fast time has gone. It feels like yesterday she was just born - those big, kissable cheeks the first thing I ever noticed about her.  Now, her cheeks have faded a bit, but her personality is all ago. She says the funniest things and talks a mile a minute (once she is warmed up/comfortable).

We celebrated her special day last night (Sunday) with family and friends over for dinner.  We had lts of pink balloons, a pink cake and pink decorations - all per her reqeust (girl loves pink).  When people started piling in, she turned to me very seriously and asked, "why are all these people here?"  For you, sweet girl!  For as outgoing as she can be, she is at first very shy and serious.

Liam, her big brother, was very excited for her on her birthday. He did a great job of celebrating her and not getting jealous - that can be so hard as a kid.  He went out of his way to draw her a card, and the weekend before, he went with me to get her a present. 

{Taking a picture with her big 3 was her idea! Looks like she loves it, huh?!?!}

I was so happy when Nora asked to go take a picture outside with her big "3" balloon. Once we got out, she was so nervous it would fly away though - her serious face (above!) cracks me up.  That girl can hold on to herself. She doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do. And that goes for smiling. ;)

We kept Nora's bday party to close family and friends, but we are so thankful to those that were able to come make her feel special. That's what it's all about!  I just wanted her to feel how loved she really is - and how thankful I am to have her as my very own.

I think Olaf the Pillow Pet might have been the big winner, but Nora got lots of new books, some Duplos, a unicon, handmade cards, stickers and other fun things.  Now, we have Liam's big 5th birthday in a few weeks (amongst those other holisays!)!  

Happy Birthday sweet Nora-Bean. We love you so much!

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