October 27, 2016

Pumpkin Patch and Prepping For Flu Season

Every fall I fill our calendar with all of the must-dos that involve getting outside (getting that all out of our system before the cold!).  We go to the pumpkin patch, pick apples, go to Oktoberfest, and anything else that seems seasonally appropriate. Also come fall, the first sniffles.  Never fails. 

Those few sniffles remind me of all the worse potential sicknesses to come... Winter is cruel like that, and having kids in school is pretty much a guarentee for something to come home with them.  So, among the fun outdoor things, also listed is "get flu shot appointsments made" on the to-do list. And lots of handwashing.

Children's Mercy reminds us all that a great time to get (or in my case because I'm always running late these days...) your family's flu shots is around Halloween (like when you're going to the pumpkin patch!).  And unfortunately this year, experts are recommending the old fashion way - an actual shot and not the nose mist that was popular the last couple of years.  Learn how to make shots less painful (and dramatic) for kids here.

But if you haven't gotten your flu shot - or even made the appointment yet - it's not too late.  Flu season usually peaks in January or Febuary, but it can always happen earlier (thus why getting the flu shot as early as possible is recommended). And NO, you cannot actually get the flu by getting the flu shot (but you can still get the flu even if you get the flu shot since the flu shot only hopes to cover the major strain - and there are many other kinds of strains of the flu that you can get).  See more flu myths and get the facts here!

Have you gotten flu shots yet?  Any tips YOU have for prepping your kids for the actual shot this year? 

For other helpful parenting content, make sure to visit ChildrensMercy.org/Moms, and follow Children’s Mercy on Facebook and Twitterfor more everyday parenting tips!

This post is in partnership with Children's Mercy Hospital.  All opinions are my own, and ultimately, just so glad we have this gem in our city and they have rich content online to help us all navigate the would of parenting!

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