March 8, 2016

Favorite Wears: Sleeveless for Spring/Summer

Spring summer outfit idea with flora skirt

Warmer weather is exhilarating. The sun is out, you aren't bundled up and desperate to duck inside, and can spend a lot of time outside adventuring.  Plus, you get to switch out your closet - pulling in a new season of clothing of sleeveless tops and dresses! But it can also be terrifying after a long winter to bare your arms and arm pits. Are you ready for sleeveless weather?

I still have some toning work to do on these gams, and they are bright white, but I've got my underarms taken care of with the new Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant. Have you ever considered spray antiperspirant before? I'm really excited to have partnered with Dove to try it out, because I'm loving it! It goes on instantly dry with no visible residue and provides 48-hours of odor and wetness protection. It's smells awesome, drys instantly and includes Dove ¼ moisturizers for softer, smoother underarms - essential for those sleeveless tops.

So, with this new underarm coverage, I'm on my way to being ready for summer... regardless of the pasty skin. Time to now hit the weights! I'm curious, what are your favorite summer arm exercises and/or underarm products to help get (and keep!) you sleeveless top ready?!

Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant
Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant
Dove Antiperspirant Spry for Sleeveless Tops

Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant is the latest beauty trend you don’t want to be the last to try!  It goes on instantly dry with no visible residue while providing 48 hours of odor and wetness protection and Dove ¼ moisturizers for softer, smoother underarms. Go to to learn more. #TryDry

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Dove Dry Spray Antiperspirant, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #instantlytrending #DovePartner #TryDry

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