November 20, 2015

Mama/Daughter Style Series: Weather Appropriate {+ GIVEAWAYS GALORE!}

Hey! It's the holiday season and what better way than to kick it off with a few giveaways during this month's installment of Mama/Daughter (and oh, hey Liam!) Style Series!?!  Two things every woman needs... a cute pair of weather appropriate shoes - emphasis on cute, and statement earrings that won't drag your earlobes to the ground.  Sandy, Laura, Carly and I are all styling both of these things in this month's series! And you can also find giveaways for both via Facebook (tonight), Instagram (Sunday) and this blog post right here, right now (bottom of this post)!

Nora and I are all about the red, burgundy and warmer hues this fall/winter (and mixing them all together) - p.s. anytime Liam actually wants to take a photo with me, I'm like heck ya man (and he's all about these fleece-lined pants right now, in case your were wondering)!  I love the mix of my cherry-red Hunter Boots with these burgundy Nickel & Suede leather earrings.

And you guys - good news! Nickel & Suede is having their pre-Black Friday sale starting TODAY (through Sunday, 11/22)! Go snag the best light weighted leather earrings in fabulous colors right now, then stay tuned on social media for some giveaways. 

{Outfit Details: MAMA // Dress - Tulip - local to KC, Boots, Earrings c/o; NORA // Sweater & Leggings c/o; LIAM // Shirt & Pants}

 Love this time of year for waring these boots - it cooler, rainy at times, but not snowy yet - and they are so comfy! We actually have two kid pairs that used to be Liam's - but Nora doesn't quite fit in the smallest pair yet.  Her feet are smaller than his at this age.  But they're so cute - and he's actually getting a bigger pair for his upcoming b-day (shh! Don't tell him!).

But we want YOU to win a pair - so now for the first giveaway  - one winner could win a pair of HUNTER BOOTS, in winner's color choice!  We all love ours, so we totally wanted to share the joy, and be useful since it's getting cooler and rainy and snowy (depending on where you live, of course). Giveaway open to those with shipping addresses in the contiguous states!

We'll also have 2 chances to win Nickel & Suede earrings via Facebook and Instagram later today and on Sunday (respectively).

Make sure to check out the other mama's to see how they and their littles are wearing boho this fall: Carly, Sandy and Laura And don't forget to check out the #MamaDaughterStyleSeries on Instagram and play along by posting your own picture of your own favorite looks, use the hashtag and tag me (@ChasingDavies) so I can check it out!

You can see past posts from this series right here!

Follow along here: BlogLovin, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook