November 1, 2015

Halloween Costumes & Trick o' Treating

I have to admit, I'm not a HUGE Halloween fan... And I'm going to sound like a real stick in the mud when I say it's because it seems dangerous and unnecessary (I mean, bags of candy?!). But getting to experience it through my son's eyes yesterday was a bit more fun than I thought it to be. It wasn't so much about the candy (yet) - it was all about getting to be (like really become) his favorite character, Marshall from Paw Patrol.  It was about being with friends and seeing spooky decorations. It was about showing off his costumes for something - who cares what it was (he was really excited about a bouncy ball he got!). It way about running around, going to different doors and feeling like he accomplished something.

It was Liam's first year trick o' treating from door to door. And we didn't do but a few blocks, but it was fun to see all the home's decor and how that lit up my own child in awe. I actually was super amazed at some of the decorations I saw myself! It certainly makes me want to step up (or start?) my game next year on my own home.

Nora wasn't too sure what was going on. She came along with the group of bigger kids to trick or treat, while the other younger kids stayed back to help hand out candy. But I could see her studying up for next year.  I hope you had a great Halloween - and if you had a great costume or home decor trick, I'd love to hear about it! Taking notes for next year. :)

Here are a few photos from our evening...

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