So, when my friends at CommunityAmerica Credit Union told me about how members can receive up to $240 per year by maximizing their Cashback Free Checking and High Interest Savings accounts, and by receiving the average annual Profit Payout dividend, I wanted to show you just how far $240 can go! I happily accepted the challenge to share with YOU a fall look keeping it under $240, but I took it a step further...
I actually purchased several accessories and fall/winter pieces to UPDATE already existing pieces every gal has (should have!) in their closet, and will be showing you not just one, but TWO looks next week! For now, I wanted to give you a sneak peek at those pieces to get you thinking about how you can maximize your current clothing before you go to pack any summer pieces away just yet!
With all those pieces I picked up for UNDER $240 (a total of $211, actually), I'll be updating two outfits. One compiled of basics every women owns and the second extending the life of a summer dress! You'll have to stay tuned to see the looks!
This post brought to you in partnership with CommunityAmerica! Learn how Members at CommunityAmerica Credit Union can receive up to $240 per year simply by maximizing their Cashback Free Checking and High Interest Savings accounts and receiving the average annual Profit Payout dividend.