August 12, 2015

Toddler Crafting: A Customized Superhero Cape with Seedling!

toddler diy super hero cape kit

Liam (3.5 years old) is getting to that age where we can do crafts together! I've been dreaming of this stage for a year now!  And these Seedling kits are the perfect, all-inclusive packages that have everything you need to create. They have kits for kids 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12, and all sorts of themed project kits! From design your on superhero cape, to a fashion designer's kit, to making your own mermaid - there is no shortage of fun.  

We (and by we, I mean Liam) chose to design his own superhero cape - since he's on quite the superhero kick these days!  First we talked about he wanted his cape to look like given all the supplies that were included with the kit.  He definitely wanted lightening bolts - like Flash - so I helped cut those out, and the letters for his name. But Liam did all the gluing and adding sparkly paint throughout to really make it his own!  

We spent about an hour creating it - and he was into it!  Taking his crafting job seriously, but having a lot of fun, too. It was so wonderful to do this with him - spending some extra time together and see him try new things.  

DIY superhero cape for toddler

After waiting barely enough time for his masterpiece to dry - we had to take it for a spin! So Liam wore it on our family, post-dinner walk around the neighborhood. I'm sure our neighbors and fellow walkers loved seeing their resident superhero out and about running down the sidewalks. 

He even cleared the walks of sticks for us - showing off his super strength! ;)

Our family walks have never been this fun! I can't wait to do more projects with him (and Nora!).

{^Super hero strength!}

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