December 27, 2014

Our little Christmas morning

Our Christmas didn't go quite as planned. The flu bug took some of my family down and kept them away,  but we are thankful to have had a sweet little morning with my sister and her boyfriend who came in town from Colorado!  More importantly, the little babes seemed to have enjoyed themselves... well, that is, after Liam got over the fact that Santa wasn't actually still at our house... 

Liam came down the stairs, all excited (we were thinking it was to see what he got from Santa), bypassed right by all the gifts and GIANT soccer goal/rebounder all set up and hard to miss looking for Santa. When he didn't find him, he came back to us sad and let down. He asked where Santa was because he wanted to say hi.  After we explained to him all the work Santa has to get done and read a note that he left behind for him and Nora he perked up and got right to present opening.

Quite the change from last year when he was mad at Santa ("icky clause" at the time) for eating all his cookies, he didn't let that go all morning long.  This year he really took to the big guy, loved sitting on his lap telling him about his day and sister - oh and a little about what he wanted for Christmas, too.   Slowly Liam is starting to grasp this whole Christmas/Santa thing... 

Though we missed my parents greatly (dang flu), we had a nice morning. We'll be making up for our missed celebration today, so let the Christmas spirit live on!  Here are a few photos from our morning filled with little laughs and wrapping paper!

Nora didn't care much about gift opening, but I often found her sitting inside boxes throughout the morning. She would just crawl right in and sit herself inside, quietly playing with a toy.  She is the best gift of all, her and Liam both!

My sister got the kids this crawl tunnel and it was a huge hit!  They spent the rest of the morning crawling through, over each other, rolling and hiding.  It also compacts and stores really well for when you want it out of the way. 

Hope you've had a very Merry and HEALTHY Christmas!
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