September 22, 2014

Favorite Wears: Black & Blue with a Pop of Nora

My best accessory?  This little, dimpled cheeked, big blue-eyed beauty of mine, that's what. I didn't even mean to coordinate her outfit with mine (stripes and color matching my necklace), but it happened, and it does subconsciously often.  And I love it.  I never knew how fun dressing a girl would be - and to tell you the truth, I really haven't even gone crazy about it.  

Most of the time, she is in her "daycare" clothes - just hand-me-down onesies from her big bro, Liam, because the girl has about 10 blowouts a week and now that she's crawling, she is filthy!  But the older, more sturdy and stable she gets, the more she's standing up, the most I'm starting to dress her in the clothes I've been so excited to dress her in.  I've recently started dressing her in two-piece type outfits now that when I hold her, she can actually support herself and her shirt doesn't just end up bunched up around her armpits. 

And as for me - Fall, baby. That's really all I have to say. This kind of outfit is a dream to me. Layers, hats, booties! I love it, love it, love it.  This dress, under my jacket, is long sleeve, which I also really love. 

{Outfit details: Dress; Jacket - oldie from Target (similar); Booties (BEST EVER!); Necklace; Hat - oldie from Target (similar); Purse - and Nora's... I wish I could remember who gave her this cute outfit, but it was a gift, as well as her headband, with moccs by Freshly Picked}

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