August 24, 2014

Baby Nora Update: NINE months!

The months are just flying by over here.. baby Nora is NINE months old already!  And boy was this a big month in her development!  She is officially mobile..and she's off! And in, she's into everything, including her brother's cars, much to his dismay.  

And as if crawling wasn't already enough of a physical advancement this month, she also pulls herself right up to standing position any chance she gets.  She's a strong little girl, and quick!  She's been incredibly hard to capture a photo of, which is sad because I noticed I have a lot fewer this month than in months prior.

The other BIG happening... she finally, FINALLY got a tooth! One little lower, front tooth poked its way through after a few rough nights of teething pains.  Now we just sit, and wait for the next 19 teeth to cause a ruckus! 

The not fun of this last month includes summer colds galore.  The sickness has run rampant around our house, swapping it back and forth and back again.  Nora celebrated her 9 month birthday with a trip to the doctor's office, a double ear-infection, lots of mucus, cough and eye junk! 

Nora is still my sweet little girl. She loves to be held, hugged and kissed.  I think her favorite thing of all time is to have me kiss those yummy cheeks of hers.  She also loves to be held upside down, play peekaboo and jump in her jumper (still).

She's been going to bed earlier lately - by 7pm, she's spent!  She isn't the greatest napper (better when she's at home, hardly at all at school), but she'll sleep 12 hours at night!  It's amazing. 

She isn't the best at solids yet.  She refuses to advance past level 2 (pretty soupy) and gags when we try mashed up banana, avocado or level 3.  It scares the pants right off me.  She also still prefers her bottle most of the time... She is so different than Liam was at this age (which he did have more teeth...), he'd gobble up any real food, loved it!

Any advice on how to advance your infants solid intake without her choking? I'm all ears!  Oh - and how to get her to sit still for a photo. :)  That'd be good too... but here's a few I have of my sweet girl from this past month:

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