August 4, 2014

Baby Nora: 8 month update!

Nora is 8 months old.  And this update comes a bit late, because it's been a crazy summer and life with two littles makes summer that much more magical and therefore busy.  Plus, I am still a bit in denial that Nora is over 6 months, let alone already 8.  Kinda gives me anxiety. But we're here, so I'm going to try my best to fully enjoy every stage.

Well, we never took the baby gates down after Liam didn't need them anymore... we figured Nora (or baby #2, at that time) would need them soon enough.  But I didn't really think it would go that fast, and there were days that didn't seem to move, yet here we are, in a blink of an eye.  Baby Nora is planking, pulling herself up, pivots, scoots backwards and on the verge of taking off (as of last week - fast forward to yesterday, and the girl has taken off, but more on that next month!).

She LOVES her brother, kisses to her yummy cheeks, dancing, playing the piano, listening to music and being cuddled. I love sitting on the floor with her, with a pile of toys, watching her as she plays.  Completely entertains herself, explores, looks each piece over, while putting 90% of everything in her mouth.  It's so funny (and sad?) how self-sufficient she has become in just the last month.  

Nora is still eating "level 2" like pureed food, because she still has NO TEETH!  Liam had 4 by this age!  I think her bottom two are working on breaking through, though.  She prefers bottles to food, and to get her to eat food, I have to catch her at just the right time when she's starting to get hungry, before she's noticeably hungry, to get her to eat.  When I do get it right, she gobbles up almost anything.  And she has lots of scrumptious roles to show for it. 

As you may have seen via Instagram, this barely-any-hair clad girl already got her first hair cut!  You can read all about why on Instagram, but basically by trimming the weak little hairs, you make them stronger and let me tell you - it's worked.  I think her hair is actually getting thicker ever since that first trim last month!

I hope she doesn't take off to much further in this next month, I don't think I can handle it!

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