August 6, 2014

3 Ingredient Homemade Popsicles + Date with my Liam

It's always special to spend some one one time with Liam, but even more so with another baby around and how busy we've been.  It's great to just take that time to get away from it all and focus on him.  He's talking up a storm these days with full on conversations and has mastered the the word "why."  He is curious about everything, and we're able to sit together and talk about the littlest of things. I just want to soak up his little voice and funny comments and remember it always.  He makes my heart feel so happy.

So we took some time to escape to our patio with homemade popsicles to enjoy an evening together. These homemade popsicles only have 3 ingredients blended together and then frozen in some cute molds (shop molds here).  Super easy, no extra sugars or other ingredients that aren't needed included.

To make 8 popsicles:
3/4 of a can of coconut milk (in a can)
2 bananas (frozen or fresh)
2 cups of pineapple (I used fresh, can would probably be fine)

Combine and blend until smooth, then pour into molds.  
Give it about 2-3 hours to freeze, then enjoy!

Cheers to many more summer popsicle dates!

{Peaches & cream popsicles recipe here!}

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