July 30, 2014

Summer Picnic: Fun in Loose Park

There is nothing better than picnics in the summertime... expect when the weather is unseasonably cool and you can really sit outside and enjoy!  We've been SO lucky to be hit with low 80s, so we've been spending as much time outside as possible.  In Kansas City, we have this great park near our house called Loose Park, complete with a rose garden, pond, ducks, playground, tennis courts, splash pad (which we still need to try!) and expansive lawn.  

So, a couple Saturday mornings ago, we packed up an easy picnic lunch of PB&J and fruit, and headed for the park.  After playing on the playground, we found a great spot all by itself to spread out, eat our lunch and nap (well, Nora).  Liam searched for sticks and once Nora woke up, she scooted all around. I just so enjoyed spending time with my little family, away from all the electronics that rule our days (except I did take these pictures and sneak an Instagram... does that count?). After our picnic, we headed to the pond to feed the ducks our left overs and got to see a mama and her ducklings swimming along.  

With only a few more weeks of summer, I'm getting antsy to revel in more days spent like this.  Here are a few pictures our little morning at the park.

{My Outfit Details: Most comfy dress everrrrrrr; Hat; Sandals - Old Navy (last year or two, similar - under $40!); Made in KC bag; Watch; Necklace - Standard Boutique in KC (love this one!)}

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