June 12, 2014

Rolling Stone Country Launch Party in Nashville

When working lots of extra hours, chewing my nails in stress and pounding away at the keys on my computer into the wee-hours of many nights becomes a little easier to swallow:  I was recently invited and attended the launch of Rolling Stone Country (print and online) in Nashville, TN, and boy did it turn out to be more than I could have imagined.  I was excited to hit up this event with these potential partners, along with my clients to celebrate their success.  I was intrigued by the location (warehouse-like area) and excited to see Keith Urban perform to this small (compared to a concert) gathering.  

But I did not expect to get to meet Keith outside, behind the venue a bit before his performance and I certainly did not expect the place to be crawling with celebrities. I was actually a little shell-shocked when Al Gore walked right on by me.  Former Vice-President and Jann Wenner (co-founder and publisher of Rolling Stone) were literally having a little reunion (they looked like best buds!) right behind me. 

And then I saw a lot of the cast members of Nashville - one of my favorite shows!  I really wish some of them would have gotten up on stage and jammed a bit, but they really did all look like they do on the show!  There were some other musicians/bands there in the crowd that I didn't really know (but those that I were with did).  And I really was being good at not being a fan girl - going to talk to anyone I recognized.  

I think I played it cool... until I saw Winona Judd.  I mean, she's a freaking legend. I just had to go say hi!  And by hi, I think I blabbered something about how much I love her songs, especially "I Saw the Light" and that I use to sing it all the time in middle school - which I thought was funny (since if you know the song, it's not super appropriate for a kid), but then I realized I probably just made her feel old.  Anyways, she was so nice - we snapped a pic as she was saying how cute we were and that was that. 

Here are a few pics from the night I won't soon forget...

{Clare Bowen, who plays Scarlet on ABC's Nashville, looked like she walked off the pages of a Free People catalog (similar dress). So pretty, and I'm totally digging the metallic temporary tattoo.}

{Still can't believe this happened. I mean, so surreal.}

But I couldn't end this recap without mentioning the space, Peter Nappi Studio!  This party was so unique - it was actually held in a showroom of Italian leather goods (shoes, bags, boots, etc) that was cleared out a bit.  From the shoes I could see on display, I wish there would have been a little shopping, too!  This was quite the studio space - build in the shell of a former industrial boiler room.   With it's high ceilings, vintage decor, worn in wooden floors and slightly-elevated stage, this was the perfect setting to dance the night away.

Feel very fortunate to have been invited!  Thanks to Rolling Stone for the event!

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