June 2, 2014

Baby Nora: 6 month update!

I cannot believe my little baby girl is already half a year old (this update is a little late, as she is now closer to 6.5 months!).  How did this happen so fast?  I feel like it was only yesterday that I was on maternity leave, cuddling this sweet little bundle all day long.  I miss those days of just her and I, but I love the little personality exuding from her tiny being at this point.

She still loves to cuddle and I think if she had it her way, she would sleep on me all the time.  I still let her take naps on me during the weekends or the weekday evenings just because I love that still time I get to cuddle her.  Speaking of Sleeping... depending on if she is sick or not, there are ok nights and bad.  When well, she usually sleeps about 5-6 hours, wakes up for a feeding and then back to sleep for about 3 hours.  However, every morning - no matter what time it ends up being - she awakes in the best mood.  She is such a happy little love. 

We've been struggling with health around our house.  Nora had a 24 hour stomach bug, that she promptly gave to me.  We've all had drainage and coughs and sore throats.  This all plays into lack of sleep...especially for me who rides that midnight train every night. 

Physically, this girl is strong.  She is standing on those little chubby legs, bouncing non-stop, pulls her self up, grips my hand so tight, can sit unassisted for short periods of time and is trying to master a full on sit up.  Just a couple weeks ago, while in the bath (she still LOVES bath time!), she lifted her legs straight up at a 90-degree angle and reach for her toes in the most perfect pike position.

She is currently in the 50% range across the board at 16 lbs 5 oz and 25 3/4 inches long.  Liam was always in the 90th percentile, so he was bouncing in his play saucer at 4 months.  Little Nora's toes are juuuust starting to touch - and she loves it!

We're really glad summer is here.  We love to be outside!  Because she's now 6 months, we can lather her up with sunscreen and then she rocks her cute little sun-hats to protect her face and we go on walks, out to my uncle's farm, our patio, other patios, art fairs, etc - and we have a lot more outdoor fun in store.


She spent her first night away from home this past month, twice - both times at my parents.  Once while I was in Austin and another night when Greg and I went to a Sporting KC game.  Both times I think she did pretty well, so we feel good about getting out and about kid free some times now. :)

Nora is really paying more attention to Liam this last month.  She watches him so intently, smiles when he comes near her to talk/play with her and even grab for his cheek or hand.  It's so freaking sweet. I melt every time.  And he just loves her.  He's such a proud older brother.  Loves to make her smile, worries when she's crying, asks to hold her and often gives her little kisses, completely unprompted.  

This is one of my favorite ages.  I remember these similar joys with Liam, but love watching her discover so alertly, knows what she wants and show her personality.  Her smiles can light up the darkest day and her little giggles turn our whole family giggling along with her.  I just can't say it enough... she's just the sweetest little baby.

Our favorite things right now:

favorite things for baby 6 months old

Nose Frida (because the electric one scares her, though she doesn't particularly love anything picking at her nose, but it's been necessary);  As mentioned... we are loving sun hats while outside and this little white floppy one is a fav; LOVE little onesie tank tops now that the weather is hot - and my love for stripes carries on, I guess (blue & pink); she has her play saucer, but we recently got out our jumper and she can really get going on this one - using those little legs! 

What are your favorite things for a 6 month old?

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