May 13, 2014

Being their mama.

I hope all of you mama's, soon-to-be, those that have lost and even those that fulfill that role in one way or another had a wonderful mother's day.  It's a funny day that card companies revel in, but an amazing opportunity to thank our own mom's and feel lucky for our littles.  I know I feel incredibly fortunate to have these two little beings that fill my days (and nights) with laughter, love and amazement. 

I never knew my heart could feel so full, nor how terrifying the role of being their mama could feel. I worry about their health (we're currently one snot-filled house), safety and happiness constantly, and with every passing stage a whole new batch of fears crop up.  I've heard this before, but it's so very true - once you become a parent, you see your own in a whole different light. I've appreciated them since I was mature enough to do so, but a whole new level of gratitude washed over me as soon as my Liam was born. 

So as I feel so lucky to be a mom to these two babies that I just can't look at long enough, kiss cheeks too much or cuddle too tight, I am so thankful for my own mom! After all, she's taught me how to be a mom, and continues to teach me patience and selflessness.  My mom continues to prioritize me and now, my family and it fills my heart with joy how closer her and my babies are.  Liam can't get enough of his Mimi.

My mother's day started with baby Nora sleeping allll through the night (a full 9.5 hours!). I woke up to her sweet babbles and we started the day nursing while the boys slept a bit longer.  When they woke up, we all cuddled on the couch and Liam read me and Nora my cards, that he likes to think of as books. 

{We love this sweet Spring-y outfit Cherokee for Target sent Nora!}

We met my parents for a yummy brunch, which both kids were surprisingly both well behaved. It was a nice time, followed by a little walking around and Liam running. Then the guys took the kids for naps and my mama and I got manicures and pedicures - ah, so relaxing. 

{Dress - last year, Target - similar here, here or here}

Which was perfect  for a solid one hour nap to ensure once we got back to my parents house while the babies slept. My parents have this basement couch that is probably more comfortable than my bed and I slept hard. 

We finished the day with a BBQ, playing in the yard and ice cream cones. Oh and Liam wishing me a happy mother's day over and over while he petted my head.  The best gift as all was his cuddles before bed and his sweet, I love you mama. 

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