March 7, 2014

Greek Yogurt Hack: Rocky Road Dessert

I've become obsessed with Greek yogurt.  It's filling, there are so many flavors and brands to try and a lot more you can do with it that just eat it plain...  I'm a dessert fanatic, and that can be a problem when trying to shed the baby weight, so I'm trying to get creative.  Instead of the empty calories of ice cream I could easily devour every night, I've turned to this Greek yogurt mixture that reminds me of rocky road ice cream and totally satisfies my cravings!  So if you have a sweet tooth, or just looking to switch up how you consume healthy Greek yogurt, try this Rocky Road Dessert!

What you'll need:

Vanilla Greek yogurt (brand of your choice, but I love Light & Fit because only 80 tasty calories!)
1 big spoonful of peanut butter (I used JIF Whips for less calories and easier to mix!)
About 1 tsp of honey, or to-taste (I love the Simply Balanced brand)
Mini chocolate chips (1-2 TBSP)
Mini marshmallows (to taste)

Try it this weekend and let me know what you think!  I'll also be sharing a few other Greek yogurt hacks I've been gobbling up soon!  Happy FRIDAY and weekend!

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