March 4, 2014

Getting out to eat + a GIVEAWAY for you!

Compensation was provided by Houlihan’s via MomTrends.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Houlihan’s or Momtrends.

When Liam was first born, we went out to dinner allllll the time!  The ambient sounds from the restaurant's hustling and bustling activity and the many different conversations would put him right out. It was great - I didn't have to cook, he slept soundly and my husband and I could talk to each other about adult things and life!  We had a rotation of our favorite places, Houlihan's being one of those and in nice weather, we could even walk (bonus!).  But two years later, toddler-Liam is not so interested in eating out or rather, sitting still, so we are unable to enjoy the same eating out luxuries with baby Nora.  That's why I especially love the lunch dates, date nights or girls nights I do get where I get to eat at my favorite restaurants (sans kids)!  

Last week I met up my girlfriends, Erin and Sandy for lunch at Houlihan's to try their new low calorie menu and talk shop (the blogging kind of shop).  I was so impressed with the new low cal menu items, where every thing on it is 590 calories or less and I know you will be, too! And lucky for you,  one of you will win a $50 gift card (see bottom of this post)!  Houlihan's are located all around Kansas City and in several cities across the nation - you can check out a full list here!

I had the lemon & herb grilled chicken (shown above) and thought it was fabulous.  At only 550 calories, it was also filling!  

Then the three of us split the above two light desserts, key lime (420 calories) and chocolate mousse (410 calories)... and they were perfect! Completely satisfying, yet don't leave you feeling weighted down... plus, pretty to boot!

{The lighting in Houlihan's made Erin look all angelic.}

Thanks girls for a fun lunch date out!  I can't wait to get back soon!  And now, one of you can win a $50 gift card to hit up a lunch date, date night or girls night at Houlihan's for your own.  Try the new menu or stick to the original - it's up to you! Enter via the Rafflecopter below and check back in a week to see if you won!

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