March 6, 2014

Favorite Wears: Winter White

Well, since it's still freaking freezing with no clear signs of spring (only little teases every now and again), I had time to get to this all white outfit I have been wanting to try this winter.  Wearing all white no matter what time of the year could only be done now that I'm back at work and sans dirty little toddler hands and baby poo, though I still had to be on my best behavior to avoid spills and accidents of my own accord.  I'm proud to announce that I made it through the day with no spills - even to lunch!  Thanks Erin for the pics.  

I was excited to find this skirt (on sale!), but I'm most excited to style it for spring.  Come on spring. 

What last minute winter trends/favorite pieces are you getting in before the welcome of spring?

{Outfit details: Sweater, Skirt, Boots - old from Banana Republic, Sunglasses, Gold link necklace - old from Forever21 (similar), Long necklace (I like this one, too), Purse, Lips}

Also - this is what I wore to lunch at Houlihan's with the girls and make sure to go to this post from a couple days ago to enter to win a $50 gift card for your own lunch date!

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