March 12, 2014

Favorite Wears: Transition Cardi

I could be the poster child for BRF. I mean, cheer up Charlie, no?  Well, it was another quick, take my picture because I kinda like this outfit and we have 45 seconds to spare sorta morning. And I forgot to smile - no, I forgot to pry my tightly pursed lips apart.  When I was in high school and college sometimes people would ask if I was ok or think I didn't like them (sometimes I didn't) if I was just simply fine and my face relaxed.  I have that face sometimes.  Oh well.
But I do like this outfit.  Especially this cardi that appears to be a sweater, but it comfy, super soft t-shirt material everywhere besides the patterned front. It will be great to throw over a sleeveless dress when dining outside on a cool summer night in just a few months.  I think it would look really cute over a floral dress or white is a no brainer.

{Outfit details: Sweater Cardi - Anthro (but can't find it online), T-Shirt - ASOS (similar), Boots, Sunnies - Forever21, Purse}

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