March 18, 2014

Favorite Wears: Camo and Pleats

Today I bring you what I wore to float in a cloud... more like a sea of light that I ended up loving how artsy it turned a simple outfit picture (thanks to Erin's discovery and playing around on manual).   Back to reality, this is what I wore to Saturday's Kansas City Fashion Week.  I always love these local events for many reasons - it's great to get out and explore my own city, I get to bring some of those adventures to this blog to highlight some of the great things about Kansas City and I love hanging out with some of my blog friends!

So a bit more about what I wore.  I recently got this camo top and was excited to wear it to this event, but was originally thinking of pairing it with a full white skirt I already own since I'm really getting in the mood for Spring. I decided to get a last wear out of my favorite pleated faux-leather skirt instead, and so dressed up the look with bright metallic accents and a few topsy-tails.

{Outfit Details: Sweatshirt; Necklace; Skirt - ASOS (similar here, here and here and more options here); Wedges; Sunnies; Bag - Halls in KC; Earrings; Lips}

Here are a few extras from the KCFW Saturday afternoon show, including a fabulous photo booth INSIDE an old VW bus (the Photo Bus) and backstage before the event with my blogger girls!

{My partners in fashion crime: Sandy & Erin}

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