March 3, 2014

Favorite Wears: Back to work and out of leggings

Two weeks ago I went back to work.  It was an emotional day... leaving my Nora for the first time for longer than an hour or so. It was also a day I had to venture further than leggings, a nursing tank and oversized cardigan. And a lot of my clothes still aren't fitting super great, so the a challenge it was. Thank goodness for loose tops (see my 10 tops to hide a belly post and below for some of my favorite picks) and stretchy jeans.  But I'm super glad my feet didn't grow this pregnancy and at least my shoes all still fit (my foot grew about a quarter of a size with Liam).  So there that. At least I have my shoes.
{Outfit details: Sweater, Jeans - old from The Limited, Metallic Oxfords (more sizes avail here), Bag - c/o Boden, Necklace, Sunglasses, Lips}

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