February 18, 2014

Say YES TO natural products & great love

I'm sure you've all heard of and probably seen the YES TO line in many different stores... it's great fragrance free, natural line of beauty products made with fruits and veggies, thus their cute names like YES TO Carrots!

This year, the brand is introducing the #YESTOMOVEMENT, which is a hashtag project and monthly photo contest with a prize for their favorite photo! This month’s hashtag is #YESTOGREATLOVE, and it’s all about sharing that great love in your life - because, well, it Valentine's Day month.  And even though V-Day is over, we can still celebrate love, right?  First, make sure you go like their Facebook page and enter their giveaway for Yes to Carrots Fragrance Free Wipes (500 winners!), because they are seriously awesome.  I keep them in my work out bag, use them in the mornings and at night to remove my make up.  I even keep them in the baby bag to use on my kiddos when their hands get sticky or face is covered in lunch... so all the time.

And now I want to share a few of my great loves, because you certainly don't need a "Hallmark-Holiday" to do that.  And let me tell you, I'm really blessed with many loves in my life.  From my parents, to my sister, to amazing friends all over the country, cousins, aunts and uncles... I have an abundance of love and warmth in my life, I'm thankful for that.  But my great loves... well they're two little babies (can I still call my two-year old a baby?) that steal my heart every day.  And then I see them loving each other? And well it's all.over.and.my.heart.bursts.


Today I'm thinking of these two a bit more as it's my first day back to work after maternity leave with Nora (12 weeks!). I'm feeling overwhelmingly sad to be away from her for the longest ever, and have a renewed respect and love for the weekends. 

And then of course, my greatest love.  That handsome husband of mine who helped me create these little love nuggets whom I see so much of the both of within them. Our little family in our little, messy house full of toys and noise is what makes my life go around.  It's good to remember what really matters and keep priorities in line. 

Thank you YES TO for giving me this chance to think about the loves of my life.  Now tell me what makes your world go round, and why!

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This post is sponsored by YES TO, but my love for their super natural, refreshing products is all my own!