February 6, 2014

Growing baby Nora: Pregnancy recap (a couple months late)

One of the best things about taking weekly preggo picks as you grow, and grow, and groooooow, is looking back at all those pictures together.  It's pretty mind blowing to see that bump in all it's glory in one place.  If you follow me on Facebook, you might have seen some of these pics and can see the whole album with links to the blog posts I did each week under each photo.  

You can see Liam's baby bump pictures here.  This time I chose to do a more consistent photo each week in front of our chalkboard wall (which we didn't have when I was pregnant with little man).  We also decided to carry on the use of the chalkboard wall to document Nora's growth, which will be more fun when she can sit and stand in front of it.

It's hard to believe Nora is already 11 weeks (today)! So when will she start sleeping better at night...?  Any tips there? I'm all ears!

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