This post brought to you by Gro-ables. All opinions are 100% mine.
You guys, I have the opposite of a green-thumb (so a magenta thumb?). I can't even keep a succulent plant alive (now, that's sad)! BUT, I have always really, really wanted to grow some of my own food that I could easily pluck from when cooking up dinner. I mean, just the other day I had a great log of fresh mozzarella, but no tomatoes or basil and I desperately wanted a Capri salad. The thought of loading my kids up in the car to get to the store turned me right off (I mean, the simplest of trips with a toddler alone is like 10 times as difficult). With spring approaching (it's coming, right?) and having cleared out some ugly plants in our backyard last summer, I'm am really ready to give this whole gardening thing a try.
That's why I am thrilled to be partnering with Miracle-Gro to introduce to you their new product, Gro-ables that make gardening efforts simple! Just watch this video right quick and you will just see just what I mean and how you need not a hint of green on your thumb to bring food to life right in your backyard:
Gro-ables take the guess work out of gardening and growing your own food because, as you can see in the above video, they come already packaged in biodegradable pods filled with the seed, growing materials and plant food. You just plop that entire pod (following the directions, of course) into your own dirt! area I mean, sounds like even I might be able to handle this! Vegetables and herbs are available - at only $1.29-$1.49 per seed pod (depending on the market)! I am specifically excited to grow tomatoes and basil so that next time I do have fresh mozzarella on hand, I can make that salad of just layering slices of the cheese, a slice of tomato and basil leaf on a plate - maybe drizzling with some balsamic dressing and bon appetit!

What do you think? Do you think you could garden with the help of these Gro-ables pods? I'd love to know if you try them out! And remember, optimal time to start a garden (depending on where you live) is the Spring, so start planning!