February 11, 2014

Favorite Wears: Tribal & Stripe

tribal sweater over striped blouse

Oh hey, it's still winter.  More snow happened this past weekend.  What I might have been excited about a couple months ago, I'm now just annoyed.  I'm ready for warmer weather.  But taking advantage of this cold to fill my layering fix and wear all my sweaters, to try to think positive here.  No secret I'm still working on my post-baby belly (much flubbier this round than with #1), so I specifically love anything loose in the top, like this sweater!  It's from Rose Gal, which is a great site with FREE shipping and returns (a must for me) that offers a lot of unique pieces for very reasonable prices (even vintage items, too).

How are your getting through the last part of winter (without crying, that is)?

{Outfit Details: Sweater - c/o Rose Gal; Blouse - H&M (similar options here, here and here); Boots (my fav!); Sunglasses; Hat - via Brickyard Buffalo (similar option here); Lips}
fedora hat

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