Favorite Wears: Plaid & Leather
I've been thinking about new ways to wear plaid post holiday season and trying to stray from styling that hints too Christmas-y or school-girl-ish. I think the perfect contrast to plaid (especially a pleated plaid skirt) is leather. Add a graphic tee to that combo, and this outfit doesn't make me think I'm celebrating the holidays a month too late or heading to Catholic school (which can sometimes be tricky to overcome with plaid). Nope, just the perfect winter outfit (for that day just last week when it was in the 50s) for heading to lunch with friends and hitting up a few errands. Come tomorrow I'd have to wear this skirt over a snowsuit (sometimes I hate living in the midwest).
{Outfit details: Jacket - Target; Tee; Purse - c/o Boden; Skirt; Booties - H&M (similar); Sunglasses; Earrings; Knuckle Ring; Ring via Gilt}

Ok so real quick, the Superbowl. I am not a big football fan, so I hardly watched - that and I was more interested in socializing with friends and all our kids kept us quite distracted. I do like watching the commercials - but missed a lot due to said kids, but the ones I did see, I wasn't impressed. I was more interested seeing how brands would engage users via social media, like Twitter throughout the game (after said kids went to bed and I was able to follow along the last quarter and get caught up). Some awesome, super timely and right on tweets and some really bad ones.
My favorite was from Hillary Clinton (I did not even know she tweeted, nor really follow her closely, but her tweet last night was perfection).
And the worst was a really obvious schedule tweet that totally back-fired by Papa John's.
What was your favorite commercial/tweet/social media engagement during #SB48? Or the worst? Besides the blowout - that could go either way depending on who you were rooting for!
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