February 28, 2014

Favorite Wears: Outfit Details

Here are a couple outfit details from what I wore to co-host my friend's baby shower a couple weekends ago now.  That's where we made these cute little DIY Baby Blocks and what I used yarn to decorate these with! She's having a girl, so I felt pops of pink were necessary... and well, leopard is always necessary.  I liked all the little details that made up this outfit.  Sometimes it's the details that make something all the better. Hope your weekend is full of little wonderful details and I hope mine is full of sleep.

{Outfit details: Dress - J.Crew (a year or so ago), Cardigan - H&M (old), Shoes, Necklace, Knuckle Ring; Ring - via Gilt}

Happy Friday and have a fabulous weekend!

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