February 7, 2014

Favorite Wears: Leopard pants with metallic accessories

I was released from my home and of baby duty last weekend to go out to dinner with one of my very best friends (and quite possibly one of my biggest style inspirations) who was in town.  I wore these leopard pants to celebrate the occasion of getting to see her face, the opportunity to sip on a real margarita and be baby free, for maybe the 2nd time since sweet girl was born (not counting her visits to the gym daycare in which I workout in a room next to it keeping a close eye on her the entire time, nor the couple of times one of my parents has filled in for me so I could go to an appointment or something no fun at all...).  

Anyways, back to the pants.  These pants are like pajama pants, so very comfy, I could literally sleep in them (I maybe did).  To keep with that comfy vibe, but still have fun with this "I get to go out" outfit, I put on a sweatshirt, BUT a cute one and well, the jewelry and metallic wedges kinda just tie it all up.  

And back to getting to be kid free for an hour and half... So I was ready to have a real adult conversation with my friend who lives a few hours in a plane away with no sweet babies (as much as I love 'em) around, and as we were being seated at our table, we were led directly to a two-fer nestled right up to a large table of two families with like 20 wild kids! (Ok, like maybe 4 or 5 total.) I felt bad, because upon realizing we were going to be practically joining their table, I kinda did a "oh man..." in my head (or maybe just loud enough that my friend heard).  You see, I was leaving my babies behind, which I rarely do these days, for a couple of hours (less!) only to be seated next to other people's kids?  I just wanted a kid-free second.  But those kids were fine and we were at a kid-friendly place!  They were well behaved and after we pulled the table away a bit, it wasn't even a bother.  

Do you ever get that feeling?  Like you are paying a babysitter or something and then are surrounded by other kids?  If I'm going to be with other kids, might as well be mine?  

Anyways, random - and not a big deal, but just a weird little feeling I had at first.  I was reunited with my littles soon after for a dance party and nail painting session (and now Liam keeps asking with Katie is coming back to visit/play/dance, and I hope it's really soon).

{Outfit Details: Sweatshirt - Hello Apparel; Pants; Necklace; Lily and Laura Bracelets - c/o 9th&Elm; Earrings; Sunglasses; LipsKnuckle Ringgi; Ring via Gilt; Wedges}

{all the details of my outfit}

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