I co-hosted a sweet little baby shower for one of my good friends last weekend - another girl! :) Nora is really excited to meet her friend in just a month or so! My friend has already picked out the name of her baby, so knowing her initials, I wanted to add something personalized to the shower decor. I love using letters in my own kid's rooms (Nora's N and see how we used letters in Liam's room here), so I picked up some cardboard letters (for only $2 each) from a near by craft store (Hobby Lobby). I chose three different shades of pink yarn to get an ombre-like look for the craft. To get started, you'll also need scissors and hot glue, but that's it!

To get started, you will use the hot glue to secure the end of the yarn to your letter. Depending on your letter (some are easier than others), pick a starting point to coil the yarn around, gluing that beginning part down. Once you get past the top (like for the 'I') or the underside (like the 'S') it gets much easier and you can just wrap the yarn without gluing. Basically, I glued the yarn down on edges, ends, corners, curves, etc to keep in place and then just simply wrapped the places in between.
For the 'I', I had to go back and fill in some spots by coiling the yarn around and gluing to keep in place. The 'G' was the hardest because of the sharp corner - curves were a bit easier! But it doesn't have to be perfect and I ended up liking the different directions the yard would take (like on the 'S' and 'G').
All in all, doing all three letters probably took a total of 3 hours (which I did here and there over a couple days). It was easy to do while watching TV when Nora was napping (while I was on maternity leave). This would be cute for a wedding shower/gift, too! Or anyone who likes their initials!
We decorated the cake table with the letters, as well as some owls and of course, the fabulous cake. But more on the rest of the shower later! For now, here is how the letters look on display:
I'll have more from the baby shower and another DIY from the event soon! Stay tuned! :)