February 26, 2014

Baby Shower Craft Idea: DIY Baby Blocks

Babies, babies, babies.  I'm certainly in the baby boom with my friends and family right now, and loving all these new little beings coming into my life.  With all these babies, first comes baby showers!  You know how at each shower (even for wedding showers), you kind of need a craft or game to round out the event?  Well, I was sick of doing all the same ones and also wanted to do something more useful or cute.  So my friend and co-host of a recent baby shower I threw (what I made the yarn wrapped letters for) thought of decorating baby blocks for nursery decor!  I love this idea, because it's different, so very cute and can be used/displayed longer (than say a use of a decorated onesie).  We had a little table off to the side at the shower that people could craft at throughout the shower and during gift opening.  I loved how the blocks turned out and it was fun to do!

You could even have people personalize their blocks by writing a small note or signing the bottom if you chose!  Just bring Sharpies for that!

Materials you'll need to bring to the shower for the craft:
Natural Wooden Blocks (we pre-painted the blocks prior to the shower)
Paint (if you want the blocks to be colorful vs. natural)
Mod Podge
Sponge Brushes
Scrapbook Paper (I got the pieces in the above photo from the dollar section at Target!)
Letters (you can also check the scrapbook section of a craft store or Target)
Throwaway tablecloth to craft on

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