February 24, 2014

Baby Nora: Three month update!

Sweet baby Nora!  Her third month was a big one!  She is holding up her head and trying to sit up to look around, getting stronger everyday.  She's awake more, which is better to see her big, bright, blue eyes by and will track me across a room. We estimate her at 11.5 lbs, but won't be measured and weight officially until her 4 month check up.  

Nights are a bit more consistent (of course saying this is the ultimate jinx).  She usually catnaps in the evenings between 7 and 9:30 on and off.  Then she has her last feeding between 9 and 10pm.  From there, it takes about 30 minutes for her to get into a deeper sleep, in which we then put her in the cradle in our room.  She wakes up 5 to 6 hours later for a feeding and goes back to sleep pretty easily for another 3 to 4 hours.  I only change her diaper at night if she's pooped, which is about half the time.  When I change her diaper, she wakes up a big more - gives me all sorts of smiles and it's hard to ignore those (which I think you are not supposed to make eye contact or something), so then takes a big longer to get her back to sleep. 

Nursing is still going well.  In fact, just yesterday I learned that she doesn't really take a bottle from me.  She knows I have the real thing or can smell it on me.  I was at a baby sprinkle and my friend had to feed her!  Nora was just spitting it out and crying when I was trying to feed her in the bottle (had pumped milk before heading to the shower), but when my friend fed her, she sucked it right down...

Going back to work has been sad, but when I'm at work, I'm ok. I'm in the work zone and too busy to be sad.  Which is kinda of sad in itself.  I'm so far able to pump enough for her to take the next day and a few times during the week trying to get a few extra ounces here and there just in case I come in short. The best part of my day is picking her up at school and she immediately gives me huge smiles!  And so far, every time I've come, she's been in a good mood and has had a good report!  Liam goes to the same school and gets to check on her throughout the day. Her room is right next to his and he can look in on the baby room.

Liam is still a great big brother.  He likes to get in her face and make baby sounds... though he doesn't realize how loud he is and usually scares her, but it's pretty sweet.  He's also a pretty big help when you ask him to.  

Nora is loving pacifiers, being swaddled, her mama (hey I'm soaking this up now while I can...before someday I'm not her favorite person anymore), being held, nursing, goofy voices and trying to mimic those sounds, her hands (chews on them), laughing, baths and looking around at all the commotion.

Nora is not a huge fan of her carseat (still!), tummy time, loud noises, getting too sleepy, being put down when she is all snuggly or being at all cold.

Here are a few photos of my sweet girl this past month:

{lots of stained clothes as of late... and green poop!  Dr. assures us it's ok!}

{first dance lesson by big brother, assisted by Mimi & Papa}

{we're still loving these baby booties}

{first day of school and mama back to work... our longest time apart. sad day}

We love you happy girl.

P.S. Thank you to our friends at Cherokee USA for the above sweater (comes with matching pants not worn here) and white sweater onesie in above photo with big pink flower on her head!  We love Cherokee baby clothes! Few more of our favorite things this past month:

Play gym (getting more and more interested in this), NUK pacifiers, Cute Hats (keep that only lightly hair head warm!) and Stain Stick (um... like for above green poo)

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