January 7, 2014

When it's freezing out

You guys - it was negative 8 yesterday with a windchill making it feel in the negative twenties.  That is way too cold.  I know this may sound like nothing for some of you in Minnesota, Chicago or other northern parts.  I'm smack in the middle of the country, so we get our fair share of weather craziness, but this is by far my least favorite.  I LOVE fall and slightly cooler temps for layering purposes, but below freezing and certainly anything in the red makes me cringe.  What to do, what to wear, how to get any sort of relief from these temps?  Here are a few essentials to get you through, whether you're staying in or going out (and if you have to go out, good luck).

In: Honest Healing Balm (for those really dry knuckles, elbows and other rough spots)Turban Hat; Embellished Sweater; Sweat Pants; Sipping Chocolate (even better than hot coca) from Trader Joe's;  Leopard Snood; Stripe SocksSlippers (covering all of the foot is essential)

Out: Beanie; Silk Under ShirtFaux-Fur Snood; GlovesChunky SweaterParka (past the butt and to the knees, please); Snow Boots; MittensCamp Socks; Traction Grips for your Shoes (to keep you standing when you are walking on the snow and ice)

Stay warm out there. And if you need an easy, warm dinner that your toddler can help you make... yum.

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