Nora is TWO months old... already! That quote, I'm sure you've heard, the days are long, the years are short, really rings true, but a lot of our days are pretty short, too! This time around, I feel like I've been way more prepared for newborn life than with my first. Both were great and are so special, but having a better understanding of how it was going to go, being more realistic (it's no vacation) and knowing how fast it all goes (I mean, Liam is Mr. Independent already at two years old) has me soaking up all these different stages the best I can! It'll be no time before my sweet girl won't want to spend about 18 hours a day attached to me... and I'll be begging her to cuddle.

As I remember with Liam, the one to two month time period is huge! There was a growth spurt (with feedings around the clock) in there that really made Nora look more like a baby than a newborn now. She's awake more throughout the day, and we're getting closer to some kind of schedule and predictability. Some nights are really good with only one feeding between 4 or 5am and then there are some nights that, while she might not need to eat more than twice, she's just up wanting to be held until 3am. During the day, she loves to be held, even when she's sleeping. She'll wake up 0-2 minutes after I try an put her down, guaranteed. Thankfully I have two wraps that I use to have some free hands, so I can eat lunch or use the computer. A couple times a day, she'll chill in her swing or bouncer and I'll run around like a mad woman trying to fit in cleaning, changing, maybe an exercise, etc.

But when she's up and happy, we've been doing more ground play and tummy time. Just a few days ago when she was practicing her tummy time, she held up her head for the longest yet... and remained happy! She also loves to see herself in the mirror. I love catching her smiling up at herself. She has the sweetest little smile with a dimple and all. I could eat her up I love her so.
Nora does NOT like the carseat... neither did Liam (maybe it's the carseat?). But if I can keep her moving while she's in it (like in the stroller), she usually falls asleep. I thought most kids loved their carseats/car rides? It can be a little stressful while driving with a screaming baby and not being able to do anything. She almost always cries in the car, at least at the beginning.
Nora LOVES baths! The minute we put her in her little tub and wet her upper half with warm water, she's all smiles! She gets mad when we take her out, but loves to be cuddled in her towel while she gets warm. Nothing better smelling than a clean baby!
We're really smitten with these little booties over here (they actually stay on, better than socks or any other shoes) and pattern mixing. Dressing a girl is really fun, though boys aren't too bad either. We've also been able to use a lot of Liam's old clothes, and have a lot of hopes for his button down shirts for the months to come.

Nora is 50% in weight at 10 pounds and 9 ounces and 75% in height at 23 inches. She has grown 2.5 inches in just 2 short months! That seems crazy to me - but she definitely is very long. All her pants are cropped on her - thankfully that's really in.
Some of our favorite things this past month:
Definitely these
booties (two other patterns available, too),
bathtub (we use inside the actual bathtub), warm
sweatshirt onesies; baby
leggings with ruffle butts, bouncer/vibrating chair (ours is a hand-me-down, but
this one looks great and neutral!), fleece-lined
car seat cover with built in blanket so mommy can leave the house during this cold winter and keep her super warm,
faux-sheepskin rug I use to help keep Nora extra cozy at home (mine is from Ikea).
Nora's one month update here.