December 9, 2013

When Liam met Nora

There really are no words to completely describe the moment when my favorite little boy in all the world met my favorite little girl in all the world.  It was magical. I hadn't seen my first baby, Liam in almost 24 hours and in that time frame, I had gone into surgery and we delivered our second little.  I was missing Liam so much and couldn't wait to see him.  My parents brought him to the hospital, all along keeping me posted on their arrival status as I grew more and more excited to see him and introduce Nora.  The moment he walked into our hospital room, I could have cried. Just seeing his little face and how happy he was to see us made me so emotional. We had Nora in the hospital basinet and focused our full attention onto Liam first. He climbed up into bed with me and after lots of hugs and kisses we asked if he wanted to meet his baby sister.  We'd talked so much about her over the course of my pregnancy that he was excited to finally see the baby!  My dad brought Nora to us and the rest was just pure throat lumping, heart bursting, complete joyous history.  I couldn't love these two babies of mine any more.

Here are a few pictures that I am so thankful and glad to have, captured by the ever-so-talented Nicole of Nicole Clifford Photography (if you are in the Kansas City area, hit her up for all kinds of family photo needs, you won't be disappointed - you can follow her on FB here.).  Even in the neon overhead light of the not-so-glamorous hospital room, she captured a sweet moment for us. 

^^ Looking at her little toes!
^^ This one captured my my mama. <3
^^ Nora got Liam a present. :) What an awesome sister already!
 ^^ And a few shots I captured with my phone.

I have to admit, you always wonder how on earth it will be possible to love another being as much as your first child.  But then that sweet second little face comes along and you do. You love them just as much.   Your heart doesn't make room for them, it doubles in size.  And then somehow,  seeing your first born with your second born, your heart triples in size with the love of them together. I'm so thankful for these two little munchkins and so proud of Liam in the love and caring nature he has already shown his little sister.

A huge thank you to all our family and friends who've come to visit us and meet Nora, but also did such a great job of paying attention to Liam. He has received equal amount of presents and love these last 2 weeks as Nora has, and is feeling really special in his new role as a brother.  He's been taking to our new family so well. He is so sweet and funny with us and Nora, we're just so overjoyed. 

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