December 30, 2013

The many days of Christmas

I am lucky to have such a large (and super fab) family - so the days of getting together and celebrating around the holidays are many.  It makes this season even more special, a time I look forward to all year long (even though my family parties throughout the year for all kinds of reasons and none at all).  This year, Christmas started with the arrival of my sister coming home for the holidays.  Then continued with the arrival of my husband's brother and sister-in-law arriving in town.  We attended mass on Christmas Eve and then combined my family and my husband's for a soup and ham dinner (thanks Mom!) at our house.  I dressed the kiddos in there Christmas outfits for mass, only to get a few grainy cell phone pics because I still have not mastered how to take indoor photos with my real camera and it was already getting dark out, but regardless, they looked so cute, so here are a few snaps:
Nora's sweater dress from Gap, leggings from Old Navy.  Liam's sweater from Gap, white button down from Old Navy, Cords from FabKids and boots from Target.
My outfit details: Sweater, Denim Shirt - old from Forever21 (similar), Necklace, Pants, Flats

^I think this photo of my dad (Papa) and Nora is the sweetest ever.

^My sister and I

^Liam and my mom (his Mimi) watching a Christmas movie & Aunt Diana with baby Nora.
After dinner and dessert on Christmas Eve, we had Liam pick out the cookies to leave for Santa.  He was so excited to carry the plate to the fireplace and then come back for the milk.  Then promptly sat down next to them and grabbed one to eat.  I guess he didn't quite get the point, and it was pretty cute, so we let him taste-test a cookie.  Then we had to peel him away for bedtime.
The next morning, Christmas, Liam basically bee-lined for the cookies he'd left the night before, disappointed to find them gone, eaten, finished.   It was quite funny actually.  He kept flipping the plate over and back looking for the cookies.  Even after he'd moved on to jump on his new trampoline his aunt and uncle had got him, he kept saying the "Icky" (Santa) Clause had eaten all his cookies!  I hope he forgets about this by next year or Liam might have a bone (cookie?) to pick with him.
Christmas tree to the left was at my house on Christmas morning (piano) and tree to the right was at my parents house the day after Christmas, continuing the celebration (monkey backpack & teepee from PS I adore you, similar)!

^Learning how to bowl with his own bowling set from Aunt Alli
Opened most his gifts from his new teepee at Christmas celebration #2.  Boy is this little guy spoiled.  He got so many great things... new books, boots, choo-choo trains, race cars.  We feel so blessed to have such a generous family.  This little boy is set for years with all his new toys.  Next year, we'll have to start donating his toys he's outgrown and get him into that practice.  I think it's important to learn that giving is maybe even more fun that receiving and want him to learning that at a young age!
I remember growing up we always made sure to spend extra timing volunteering and donating around this time of year.  We use to adopt a family to bring presents of things needed and wanted when growing up and the joy it was to watch these families delight will stick with me always.  I look forward to doing that more with my kids once they can understand a bit more (next year?).
Hope you all had a great Holiday!  Sorry for the photo dump! :)

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