December 24, 2013

Nora's First Girls Night Out

Last week, I took Nora on her first girls night out and mommy/daughter date!  We met up with some of my blogger friends for Heather Morrow's (one of my fav Kansas City photographers) holiday shopping party event at her Hocus Focus studio.  Included at the party were tons of yummy goodies, a photo booth and other local KC brands with their pop-up shops!  It was a fun night of snacking, catching up with the ladies, introducing Nora to my friends and shopping locally!  Here are some pics from the event and of the awesome Kansas City brands (that you can purchase from online).

 I picked up that black and white geo-print blanket for my living room!  I've been snuggling with it since, I love it for the way it feel and looks!  Happy Habitat makes awesome blankets in various sizes and pillow covers.  Just beautiful work!

More Happy Habitat evidence of amazing work to the left; to the right, awesome Maddy Nash custom purses/clutches that can be created with your own fabric (think meaningful pieces you don't know what to do with) or the fabrics they offer.  Each piece can include a custom tag on the inside to say whatever you want (within character limits), perfect for a bridesmaid gift -- or any kind of gift!

Amazing leather goods handmade right here in KC - brilliant quality, all by Sandlot Goods. Plus that tee, which I'm 90% sure I'm getting for Xmas. :)

Not new to this blog, Hello Cheeseburger has become one of my fav places to go for fun jewelry.  I love it all (those bottom earrings to the right...if only Liam wouldn't yank them out of my ear if I wore them, so pretty).  So it's no surprise I went home with yet another necklace (worn here).

Nora and the ladies, Sandy & Erin.  Thanks for the pic, Lai!

Thanks for coming out with me baby Nora... I see many more fun girly things in our future. :)

Happy Christmas Eve! Hope you all have something wonderful planned, whether out on the town for a nice dinner or cozied up at home with family.  With our new baby Nora and other little munchkin, Liam, and some family in town, we'll be staying in this year. I'll have my holiday recap later this week! 

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