December 13, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday to My Little Man!

{photo by Nicole Clifford Photography, you can see behind the scenes how she captured this cute pic here}

How is he two already?!  These two years have flown by and now my little man is TWO years old today!  I couldn't be more proud of Liam and the little boy he is becoming!  He is so entertaining, smart, sweet, strong and a great dancer!  In only two years he has become quite the talker, sleeps in a big bed, eats at the table from a regular chair, sings songs, can count to 12, loves to read books to himself when he should be napping, can unzip and take off his jacket and can make his little sister stop crying by talking to her in goofy voices - just to name a few of his accomplishments!  His talents are really endless, though. :) But most of all, he makes us so happy.  Every day he makes me laugh. Every day he makes me a little sad that he's growing so fast.  And every day he is so very loved.

Two years old. TWO!  To celebrate, we're having a little party tonight involving balloons, pizza and cake, so he should be really excited about that. And most of all, I'm just excited to hang out with him! 

Here is his first birthday post and first birthday party recap.

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