December 6, 2013

Baby Nora: One Week Update

A little late here, as our Nora is already 2 weeks old, but wanted to give you a one-week update on our little lady (after this I'll move to monthly updates).  It's hard to believe she's only been in our lives this little of time.  I guess for me, I've been getting to know her for 10 months prior.  I can see the way she loves to ball up, how she must have been positioned in my womb.  And it's funny when she stretches, pushing her arms and legs out from her body - I sure felt those same stretches the last few months carrying her, sure she'd just come bursting out my belly!

So far, she's pretty chill.  But boy does she have some lungs on her!  She lets us hear her when she's hungry, has a dirty diaper and when she's getting her diaper changed.  Like her big brother, this girl does not like to be cold, so diaper changes are a bit brutal.  Thus, we are loving blankets to wrap her up in and swaddles to keep her cozy at night.

Sleep has been sparse.  She has some good nights with a couple 2.5-3.5 hours chunks and then there are nights where she wants to eat or needs a diaper change every 1.5 hours. I've been letting myself "sleep in" on and off from about 11pm to noon, so I can try to get a decent amount of sleep overall.  With Liam, that's one thing I didn't do well - let myself rest during the day.

Having my husband home for Nora's first 10 days was amazing.  It's always so sad when he has to go back to work.  We got to spend a lot of time together at home as a family of four.  So far, I think she's looking more like her dad.  I know she's only a couple weeks old, but I can see his eyes on her.  We'll see how that changes (back and forth, many times, I'm sure) over the years.  

Liam is an awesome big brother.  He loves to come give her kisses and helps with diaper changes.  The way he says, "bay-beee Nor-uh" is precious.  And we're trying to each give him plenty of one-on-one attention, too.  I really can't wait to see how they'll interact more as she gets a little older.

You can see a few photos of Nora's first few days in the hospital here.

And here are some of our favorite things for Nora in her first few weeks:

Pack n' Plays that zip up for daytime; Gowns (easy for diaper changes galore) & Fleece Swaddle for night (similar to what we're using, which is old from when Liam was a newborn); the Breast Friend - especially great for late night feedings when I'm extra sleepy; Boppy for daytime feedings and setting her in next to me on the couch; Soft Blankets to keep little lady warm.

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