November 18, 2013

Tips on how to survive cold & flu season!

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Kleenex but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #KleenexTarget

Soup recipe for getting through the winter and cold

It's the most wonderful time of year with all the holiday parties, family gatherings, dressing up and going out, get-togethers with friends and beyond.  But cold and flu hits a lot of us and/or our loved ones this time of year.  It's pretty sad missing out on all the fun because you're sick, or worse, your little one is sick (in my mind, there is nothing worse than a sick baby!).  So over the years, there are a few things I've turned to for comfort when that nagging cough hits and the aches appear.  Here are my tips on how to survive the cold and flu (and get over as comfortable as possible):

1. First, comfy pants and cozy sweater/sweatshirt STAT.  Whether it's you that's sick, or your child - you get into that cozy wear and get your little all comfy, too. And maybe not your best comfy wear if we're talking a sick kid here... case in point, this past weekend I caught my toddler's vomit in my hands. 

2. Get something warm, nutritious and smelling delicious going on the stove (you still need to eat to keep up your energy). Sure there are probably a million great chicken noodle soup recipes out there, but I always turn to my mama's amazing Plaza Steak Soup recipe (with her permission, the recipe is at the bottom of this post. You're welcome).

3. Place Kleenex all around the house... literally. You don't want to be all snuggled up and cozy when the faucet (aka, your nose) starts running, or your little one lets out a huge sneeze and everything is covered in snot.  And don't skimp on your nose wipes, go for the good stuff, Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues, when you're blowing your nose 100 times a day... Kleenex won't leave you feeling like Rudolph. Even your kids will like it (proof below).

4. Surround yourself with the softest blankets you own, pillows to snuggle into and my fav - a c-table (25% off right now with code FURN25EM) that hovers over the couch to bring everything close to where you are snuggled up.  

5. Time to catch up on all those Netflix movies or shows you've been meaning to watch - or your favorite one that you can always turn to - or if it's my toddler... Curious George and Clifford on repeat.  Leave the dishes and the chores for another day... rest up!

What to do when your child is sick
Helpful tips to comforting a sick toddler

What do you do for yourself or your family when the cold and flu creep in?

Be sure to stock up on Kleenex now so you are ready when you or your family needs it most.  And save some money by using this coupon to save $1 on Kleenex 4-pack or larger at Target.

Plaza Steak Soup Recipe

Plaza steak soup recipe

You need:
1 1/2 to 2lbs of ground beef (or turkey)
1/2 cup of light margarine/butter
3/4 cup flour (I use wheat flour)

Frozen Veggies:
16 oz of peas
16 oz of mixed veggies (green beans, corn and carrots)
I add in an extra 1 to 2 cups of carrots
1 cup of lima beans

1 15oz can of diced tomatoes
1 yellow onion
1 Bottle of B-V beef flavoring (in condiment aisle)
Pepper to taste/preference

Optional: 1 to 2 cups of chopped potatoes

What to do:
Brown the meat in large skillet, drain off fat and set  aside.  
Melt margarine in large Dutch oven.  Whisk in flour, bit by bit, cooking on medium.  Blend until smooth.  Add 8 cups of water to the flour mixture gradually while continuing to whisk.
Add in all ingredients (veggies, onion, cooked meat, tomatoes, potatoes, beef flavoring and pepper) to the large pot of “broth." Bring to boil.
Simmer for 2 hours.  
Great for leftovers and freezing for later - tastes even better the next day (which is good, b/c this will make a lot to last you all week)!

Surviving cold and flu season

Stay well!
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