November 25, 2013

She's here! Introducing...

Well, it ended up being only 2 days later and not the 6 I touted here that we got to meet the little lady I'd been dreaming about as she literally ran out of room inside me. Sweet baby Nora was born last Thursday night, by c-section and with the help of a vacuum as she was so tightly wedged in there!  I held my breath as the announced they were pulling her out until I heard her little voice climb louder and louder into that first baby cry (music to a new mama's ears) and tears of my own streamed to the sides of my face.  Before I even saw her, they cleaned her up while my husband looked on her and the nurses exclaimed how cute and healthy she was... and big!  

Nine pounds flat and 20.5 inches long. NINE pounds (which makes my belief that I was actually a week earlier than my doctors were counting from even stronger).  She is almost a pound heavier than her older brother was at birth and the same length.  And you can see it.  Her cheeks are the utmost kissable things I've ever laid my lips on, and continue to softly peck her little jowls every second I can.  Nothing else is overly chubby, but just enough all around with little rolls down her arms and legs - she is so absolutely perfect. I have hardly slept, even when I can, because I just stare at her (as I had that same issue with her beautiful brother almost two years ago, too, oops).

Once she was warmly wrapped up, my husband brought her to my head and the three of us sat there together while the doctors worked on closing me up. One of (the many) hard things about a c-section, as you don't get the opportunity to take your baby instantly on your chest for skin to skin, but feeling her cheek against mine for the first time, hearing her instantly calm down once she heard my voice and giving her my first little kiss are little memories I'll never forget. 

My sweet Nora, I don't know how our life existed without you. You are the perfect addition to our family, making us whole and complete.  Your brother, Liam and you have made me one proud mama and full of love.  I didn't know these feelings even existed before each of you born. I feel so lucky.
Welcome to this world my sweet baby girl.

The only things more heart bursting was when Liam came to meet his new sister.  
I will share that sweetness soon.

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