November 19, 2013

38 weeks along // meeting her in 6 days

Third trimester maternity wear

Wow. Less than a week to go until my scheduled c-section. These last few weeks have felt like an eternity (since I've been awake for most of it), but now we're almost there until our little family grows to four. And just in time for the holidays.  I never intended to intertwine both my babies' birthdays into the holiday season (Liam will be two mid-December), but not everything can be controlled, and it has worked out...

It'll be nice because my sister, other family and close friends will already be in town and around both in November and December.  It's great to have some really special people surrounding you when your in transition with a new baby (whether your first, or what I can guess will be the same for the second).  Last time, I loved having some of my best friends from high school and college coming by, my sister and mom able to come by almost every day to help me get through the days after Greg went back to work, my aunts and cousins stopping in and other friends coming over with dinner to spend an evening in with us.  The holidays lend more time to those kind of happenings, not to mention the family gatherings that are already going to take place.  

Our first day/evening home from the hospital will actually be on Thanksgiving. And I can't wait to have my parents and sister over with Liam back in our home (after a lil vacay with mimi and papa while we're in the hospital) and the new baby out in this world to share it with.  It's a smaller gathering that we're used to (as the rest of my amazing family of cousins, aunts and uncles will be celebrating elsewhere), but it'll be cozy and full of good food - and of course lots of baby cuddles.

6 more days until we meet our little girl.

{These boots have been my go-to.}

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