November 27, 2013

10 things to do for yourself before having a baby!

Ok, so not every preggo will know exactly when the baby might come, some get surprised early, some are on pins and needles waiting, but there are 10 things that you should at least TRY to do for yourself before the baby comes!  Ya, ya, ya... I'm sure there are a million more other things you should be doing too - but taking a little time to be a little selfish during the hardest time of pregnancy, starting around 36 to 37 weeks isn't a bad idea:

1. Hair appointment.  This is a great time to get your hair spruced up whether it's a cut, trimmed or highlight!  Then you don't have to worry about this for another 8-12 weeks (depending on how often you get your hair done).
2. Mani/pedi.  Not only does it just feel really good on your swollen feet and hands, and not something you'll be doing very often post-baby, at least for awhile, but will be nice to have polished nails for photos (especially your hands!).
3. Start shaving again... if you're like me, you've probably neglected shaving your legs by this point of pregnancy. And not that shaving at 37 weeks is the easiest of efforts, it'll be worth it to have smooth legs when you're rocking your hospital gown.
4. Finish that book your reading (or start & finish that one you've been meaning to read)... chances are once that baby is here, despite being up at all hours, reading won't be high on your to-do list, nor will it be able to keep your tired eyes' attention! {I read The Paris Wife and loved it}
5. Go out to a nice dinner!  If this is your first, going out to dinner with the newborn won't be out of the question (our first would just sleep), but you'll be going to more family-friendly places.  And if it's not your first and you have a wild toddler like me, you really won't be going out to dinner as a family for awhile...
6. Add movies and shows to your Netflix cue - now's the time to add everything you've ever wanted to watch.  I watch the first 3 seasons of the Vampire Diaries within the first 2 weeks of being home with my first.  It helped keep me up during those midnight feedings!
7. Go out to a movie... or 10. Again, more difficult if you already have kids (babysitter needed), but since having my first baby, I've probably been to 2, maybe 3 movies (in the last 2 years).  The first movie was saw post-Liam was the Hunger Games... maybe our first movie after this baby will be the 2nd!
8. Go to Target, or the Mall, or where ever you like to take your time to wonder around, alone.  And take your time.  With kiddos, you never know when their patience will be up or how long they'll last until ready to go (eat, diaper change, etc).
9.  Hang out with your girlfriends, especially those that don't have kids!  Of course you'll still see them, and they'll visit you and the baby, but your attention will be frazzled for a bit.  So take this time to hit up dinner, brunch or whatever you do best to really hang out, talk and catch up, with your undivided attention!
10. Play in your closet.. Style some post-pregnancy, post-baby belly-friendly and if nursing, easy to access outfits that you'll be able to pull from later and also get you excited to get dressed on those days when you're dragging!

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